Case study about the effects of aerobic physical exercise and nutrition in the seric cholesterol and triglyceride concentration in human beings
Introduction: cholesterol and triglyceride are lipids essential to life, however it’s excess may be very harmful to health caning cardiovascular diseases. Nevertheless, the association of aerobic physical exercise and a balanced nutrition may avoid these damages. Objective: to demonstrate the relationship between aerobic physical exercise in addition to good quality nutrition and the decrease of cholesterol and triglyceride taxes. Materials and methods: a nutrition re-education has been performed and the increase of aerobic exercise in intensities of 65% to 85% of the maximum cardiac frequency anticipated for the age in a dislipidemic individual. Results: there has been a significant decrease of 20.9% in the triglyceride blood level, of 3.5% of total cholesterol and of 20.8% in the VLDL. Discussion: once more aerobic physical exercise and a balanced nutrition showed efficient in the decrease of cholesterol and triglyceride seric concentrations. The results have not been more emphatic due to the short time for research which lasted only one month. Conclusion: we conclude that regular aerobic physical exercise in addition to balanced nutrition is able to diminish the seric triglyceride and total cholesterol concentration and their fraction.
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