Evaluation of protein consumption and nutritional knowledge in bodybuilders in Erechim-RS
The practice of physical exercises, mainly the resistance training has become frequent by population. Besides that, the growing interest for healthy shows a bigger interesting with nutrition for take the results too. But, something people, trying to change your life style, search information's with wrong medias or disabled people. The goal of this study was evaluated the protein's intake and the nutritional knowledge in bodybuilders of Erechim. Was evaluated 60 people, of both genres, with age between 18 and 35 and practicing resistance training much of three months. To evaluate knowledge was applied a questionary and for protein intake a food recall. It was noted that the search for resistance training was bigger by mens (61.7%). Of theses, 80% aimed at hypertrophy e 95.2% made use of supplements. The aims weight loss was observed in 73.3% of womens. The average overall of protein intakes was hight (1.98 g/kg/dia). The average was 2,4 in mens e 1.3 g/kg/dia in womens. The literature also show excessive intakes, but the knowledge have diferences. Regarding knowledge about nutrition the participants showed misunderstandings and wrong informations being able to be to use exacerbated use of proteins. It is evident that must be professional orientation to be use high protein.
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