Antioxidants consumption and frequency of upper respiratory tract infections in strength training apprentices
To assess the association between the frequency of ITRS and the use of antioxidants nutrients in strength training apprentices. This study is a cross-type series of cases of strength training apprentices at a gym in the city of Caruaru-PE. They were excluded from the study patients of chronic inflammatory diseases and / or use drugs that influence the immune response (immunosuppressive, anti-inflammatory). Frequency of URTI symptoms was assessed using the WURSS-21 questionnaire, while the level of effort was recorded by Borg perceived exertion scale. The consumption of vitamins A and C were measured by a quantitative food frequency questionnaire, comprising food sources of these nutrients. The amounts of vitamins A and C were compared to Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI's). A total of 50 practitioners of weight training, 58% men and 42% women. Regarding the consumption of immunonutrients, 62% had adequate intake of vitamin A, while 70% had adequate intake of vitamin C. About the symptoms of ITRS, 88% reported the presence, and 58% reported mild to moderate effort level. In the weight, the frequency and duration variables as well as the intake of vitamins A and C do not influence the appearance of ITRS. However, there was a tendency for symptoms when exercise was conducted in mild to moderate. It is suggested to carry out further studies with the population evaluated.
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