Assessment of dietary intake, anthropometric profile and nutritional knowledge of street racers from Porto Alegre
Introduction and objectives: The long-distance running is a moderate intensity with longtermduration exercise, whichpredominantly uses the aerobic system for energy production, with substrates recruited from carbohydrates and lipids. In this sense, proper nutrition is one of the bases for physical performance. The objective of this study was to examine the anthropometric status, dietary intake and nutrition knowledge of street runners in Porto Alegre. Materials and methods: 16 male runners were evaluated and The Body Mass Index (BMI) waist-hip ratio, body fat, food intake, energy expenditure and nutrition knowledge weremeasured. Results and conclusion: Results showed that BMI waist-hip ratio and body fat percent were appropriate, however even demonstrating good nutritional knowledge, dietary intake of carbohydrates and calcium, did not reach the recommended intakes for that type of population. Our results reinforce the importance of individual nutritional orientation for all runners, in order to guide food choices, timing, quantities, frequency, to provide an effective nutrition education for health and performance.
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