Assement of the knowledge about sport nutrition, use and indications of food supplements by physical education professionals in gyms of Passo Fundo/RS
The objective of this study was to assess the knowledge about sporting nutrition and the prevalence of the use/indication of food supplements by Physical Education professionals in gyms of Passo Fundo (RS). After a questionnaire application (61 participants), it was seen that the age predominance various from 18 to 28 years, 42 (69%) people were of the male sex. It was observed that the majority of the educators (66%) were graduates or specialists. 36 (59%) usually utilization food supplements, mainly protein, creatine, hypercaloric and carbohydrates. 23 (38%) usually to indicate supplements to the students, mainly to the muscle mass and weight expansion and to obtain more energy. Otherwise 31 (51%) said not indicate to the students and 63 (67%) believe that the nutritionist is the professional more able to prescribe food supplements. However, the diets prescription and/or food supplements needs a detailed assessment about the real needs of each person, evaluating usual food, objectives, kind of physical activity, the frequency on practicing sports and others. So, it’s necessary a greater integration and communication between nutritionists, doctors, physical educators, physiotherapists and others multidisciplinary team members before food supplements use is done, making it secure, scientific based and preventing the abusive use.
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