Effects of glutamine supplementation in high-performance athletes: a literature review
Glutamine is considered the most abundant amino acid in the human body, being produced by numerous tissues, especially by skeletal tissue. Stress situations such as trauma, burn, cancer, and strenuous exercise culminate in depressing serum glutamine levels, becoming a conditionally essential amino acid. The object of the study was to perform a systematic review about the effects of glutamine supplementation on high-performance athletes. The search for the articles was done through an advanced form in the BVS and Pubmed databases, using the descriptors glutamine, performance, physical exercise, fatigue, physical endurance, exercise tolerance and athlete, combined with each other. Studies were indexed in the period between January 2005 and May 2018, and seven original studies on glutamine supplementation in athletes of different sports modalities were chosen. No evidence was found to justify oral supplementation of glutamine as an ergogenic or immunoprotective agent, but oral glutamine supplementation proved to be effective against perceived fatigue.
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