Body assessment of triathletes: a comparasion between different methods
Triathlon is an endurance sports that is becoming more and more popular. Objective: This study aims to compare different methods of body composition assessment in triathletes using bioelectrical impedance and anthropometry methods. Materials and Methods: Twenty-four triathletes (15 from gender male and 9 from gender female) from Maringá-PR, whose were measured: height, weight and skinfold thickness triceps, chest, subscapular, thigh, abdomen, axilla, calf, biceps and suprailiac, and collected data were inserted in several mathematical formulas, being used for gender male: Jackson, Pollock (1978), Faulkner (1966), Forsyth, Sinning (1973) and Pollock, Jackson, Jackson (1980), whereas gender female used formulas were Durnin, Womersley (1974), Jackson, Pollock, Ward (1980) and Petroski (1995) and the body fat percentages were also obtained through three bioelectrical impedance devices: InBody 570, Biodynamics 310E and OMRON HBF-514C. Results: A higher degree of correlation of the OMRON HBF-514C method was found with the reference standard InBody 570, when evaluated gender male. Otherwise, for gender female, it was found that Petroski (1995) presented a higher correlation with the reference standard. Conclusion: Despite the high correlation between OMRON HBF-514C, for gender male, and Petroski (1995), for gender female, with the reference standard, InBody 570, it is not possible to state which one is the most reliable method, since there are no studies that validates methods for triathletes.
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