Profile of the use of Whey Protein in Curitiba’s Gym
The goal of this research is to outline the WP use in bodybuilders men aged over 18 in Gym in Curitiba. 103 bodybuilders took part in this study. The majority studies and are from the age of 18 to 28 and the average age is (28.6 ± 6.39). Regarding to schooling, we noticed that 57.2% of participants are university graduates and 38.8% are post graduates. It was observed that 50.9% of the participants joined the Gym seeking to improve their physical appearance. They have been working out over two year (68.9%) with a frequency of five times per week. (48.5%). The majority of those who were interviewed (44.3%) intake whey protein with the objective of gaining muscle mass and consume WP 5 times a week (34.95%). In relation to the consumption of supplement and training, 73.8% of the population makes use of WP after training. From supplement sources indicated WP was the most mentioned were the dietician with 29.69%. It is concluded that the use of WP has been aiding sports practitioners to achieve their physical goals, but most of them do not have access to proper information and end up making incorrect usage and exaggerated amounts. The usage of nutritional supplements must be oriented by professional in the sports area together with a healthy well balanced diet, to ensure the quality of life of the individual and minimize possible future health problems.
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