Use of dietary supplements in exercise from different gyms of Pau dos Ferros- RN
The concern with physical appearance and aesthetics in fitness centers can lead to an indiscriminate use of supplements. This is a survey on the use of dietary supplements in exercise from different gyns of Pau dos Ferros- RN. A questionnaire was used to investigate factors relating to supplement use among 97 users of fitness centers. Supplement use was reported by 11.5% of the sample. There was a higher consumption from 20 to 29 years (80%) the education status and sex no have influenced the decision to consume supplements. Many participants (23%) reported consuming nutritional supplements without any specialized professional guidance, usually based on self-prescription. About 13% of subjects reported having observed adverse effects. Anaerobic activities were performed by marjority of users (45%) (p<0.05), wich together with other variables such as age, influence on such decisions. The results suggest that the use of dietary supplements is linked to the paradigm use versus performance. Therefore, the rate of use of dietary supplements in the Pau dos Ferros is low when compared with related articles. Despite the use of supplements is not significant in the group analysis, we need studies on the consumption of these and their effects, focusing on nutrition education of consumers to increase the level of information about them.
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