Effects of sodium bicarbonate and alanine beta on football players

  • Rafaela Dahmer Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões-URI Campus de Frederico Westphalen, Brasil.
  • Yasmin Medeiros de Souza Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões-URI Campus de Frederico Westphalen, Brasil.
  • Fábia Benetti Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões-Campus Frederico Westhalen, Brasil.
Keywords: Sodium bicarbonate, Beta-alanine, Performance, Muscle fatigue


Introduction: Football is a sport world renowned; it involves intermittent and high-intensity exercises. The athlete's body can start metabolic acidosis when the energetic expenditure exceeds the supply, situation where it accumulates hydrogen, reducing the athlete's performance. The sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) has an extracellular function, buffer capacity of hydrogen ions. Mitigating or inhibiting acidification. Yet Beta-Alanine is precursor source of carnosine, buffering capacity substance of muscle acidosis. Both substances promote gain in the performance due to reducing fatigue. Objective: To investigate the effects of NaHCO3 and Beta alanine in the performance of football players. Materials and Method: This was a randomized clinical trial. The athletes were divided into 3 groups, where one of the groups, to the first group was given a placebo, the second one received 0,3g of NaHCO3/Kg bodyweight and to the third group 0,6g of beta alanine, ingested in the pre-workout diluted in "Tang" a kind of Juice powder, in individual bottle, forty minutes before the test. (Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test). All the athletes were submitted to the three protocols on alternate days. Results: Took part in the study 14 players with an average age of 19,21 ±0,70 years of, average weight 71,4 ±6,6 kg, and stature between 1,73 ±0,07m, the average BMI was 23,8 ±1,56 kg/m2. The average of distance travelled to the groups was 2695,7 ±620,8m, 2740,7 ±528,2m, 2764,3 ±632,6 m to placebo, NaHCO3, e beta alanine respectively. The beta alanine supplementation caused more discomfort to the athletes. Conclusion: It was not found significant differences related to the players distance travelled, in the comparison of the supplements used.


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How to Cite
Dahmer, R., Souza, Y. M. de, & Benetti, F. (2021). Effects of sodium bicarbonate and alanine beta on football players. RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 14(87), 409-415. Retrieved from https://www.rbne.com.br/index.php/rbne/article/view/1710
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