High-performance adolescent tennis athletes: food intake and body composition profiles
Tennis is an intermittent sport, with movements of high intensity and duration. The present study aimed to assess nutritional status focusing on food intake and body composition of high-performance adolescent athletes. Observational, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach conducted with 9 athletes from a tennis school in Campo Grande-MS, of both sexes, aged between 10 and 15 years. Dietary research of specific food frequency for athletes was used, comparing with the nutritional recommendations of the International Society for Sports Nutrition for energy and macronutrients and the Institute of Medicine for micronutrients. Anthropometric measurements of weight, height, arm and waist circumferences and skinfolds were performed to determine body fat (%) and fat-free mass (kg). Regarding adequacy, we observed 77.8% of energy intake, in relation to the recommendations, mean intake of carbohydrates of 6.9 g/kg/day, 2.0 g /kg/day of protein and 1.9 g/kg/day of lipids. Calcium intake was below recommendation in 100% of cases. Mean intake above the recommendation was found for zinc, vitamin E and C. Adequate body fat was observed in only 33.3% of tennis players. We concluded that the majority of athletes presented inadequate intake of proteins and micronutrients, which may be reflected in their body composition.
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