Food behavior and weight gain in young adults

  • Rafaella Maria Monteiro Sampaio Nutricionista, Doutora em Saúde Coletiva (UECE); Docente do Curso de Nutrição da Universidade de Fortaleza (UNIFOR); Centro Universitário Estácio do Ceará (ESTÁCIO), Ceará, Brasil.
  • Brenda Carollyne Rodrigues Fernandes Nutricionista, Graduada em Nutrição pelo Centro Universitário Estácio do Ceará (ESTÁCIO), Ceará, Brasil.
  • Jéssica Cybele Ferreira Monteiro Nutricionista, Graduada em Nutrição pelo Centro Universitário Estácio do Ceará (ESTÁCIO), Ceará, Brasil.
  • Fernando César Rodrigues Brito Nutricionista, Doutor em Biotecnologia em Saúde (RENORBIO); Docente do Curso de Nutrição da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil.
Keywords: Nutrition, Eating behavior, Physical activity


To examine the relationship between behavioral variables Cognitive restriction (CR), Emotional Feeding (AE) and Eating Disorder (AD) with the body mass index in adults practicing physical activity. Participated in the study 100 people, duly enrolled in the gym where the research was performed, with both sexes and age between 19 and 59 years. The Three Factor Eating Questionnaire reduced version of 21 items (TFEQ-R21) was applied, where three dimensions of eating behavior are evaluated: Cognitive Restriction, Emotional Feeding, and Emotional Discontent. Anthropometric data and information on sex and age were also collected to characterize the sample. According to the results, the individuals presented the average age of 30 years and average BMI 26.9 kg / m2, being classified as overweight. Regarding the dimensions of eating behavior, the highest correlation was between the AE and DA variables, with a low CR correlation. Regarding BMI, there was no statistically significant correlation with the variables, but there was a greater relation with the AD variable. There was also a predominance of the AE and DA variables in the BMI of overweight and obesity. The results suggest that practitioners with BMI starting with overweight present correspondence with emotional variables, but because the other results have low correlations, new research is necessary. Studies such as this contribute to the identification and reduction of behaviors that can be considered risky in emotional health and may negatively affect nutritional health.


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How to Cite
Sampaio, R. M. M., Fernandes, B. C. R., Monteiro, J. C. F., & Brito, F. C. R. (2021). Food behavior and weight gain in young adults. RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 14(89), 586-594. Retrieved from
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