Nutritional evaluation of metabolic and symptoms of competitive swimmers

  • Diane Dias Ramos Associação Educacional Luterana BOM JESUS/IELUSC - Núcleo de Pesquisa em Nutrição NENUT - Graduanda em Nutrição
  • Sonia Toriani Associação Educacional Luterana BOM JESUS/IELUSC - Núcleo de Pesquisa em Nutrição NENUT - Graduanda em Nutrição
  • Solange Silva Associação Educacional Luterana BOM JESUS/IELUSC - Núcleo de Pesquisa em Nutrição NENUT - Graduanda em Nutrição
  • Elen Cristina Dalquano Associação Educacional Luterana BOM JESUS/IELUSC - Núcleo de Pesquisa em Nutrição Esportiva - Professora Titular
Keywords: Nutritional status, Metabolism, Swimmers


The aim of this work was to evaluate the nutritional state ofcompetition swimmers from Joinville-SC and correlate the nutritionalstate of each swimmer with their metabolic signs and symptoms. Theemployed methodology comprises the anthropometry, the alimentaryanamnesis, a 24 hours alimentary record and a symptom questionnaire.Results shown that symptoms from the Upper Respiratory Tract (URT)were the most common with 67% of swimmers describing cloggy nose andbronchitis, 50% describing sneeze attack and excessive formation ofnasal mucus. Both carbohydrates and proteins consumption wasinadequate for 50% of the athletes. Concerning the athletes withappropriate carbohydrates consumption, 66% did not have URT symptoms.On the other hand, swimmers that intake carbohydrates quantitieslower than the recommended showed at leastone symptom. Hence, can beconcluded that the inadequate intake of carbohydrates can support theURT signs and symptoms emergence.


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How to Cite
Ramos, D. D., Toriani, S., Silva, S., & Dalquano, E. C. (2012). Nutritional evaluation of metabolic and symptoms of competitive swimmers. RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 4(21). Retrieved from
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