Profile of the standard of the ingestion of liquids and verification of the adequacy of the level of hydration in practitioners of spinning classes in two gyms of Rio de Janeiro

  • Andreia Artur Esteves Programa de Pós-Graduação Lato Sensu em Nutrição Esportiva da Universidade Gama Filho - UGF
  • Wilma Carvalho Nunes Programa de Pós-Graduação Lato Sensu em Nutrição Esportiva da Universidade Gama Filho - UGF
Keywords: Spinning, Hydration, Liquids, Academy, Nutrition


Considering that the Spinning class is an aerobic activity with stimulations that vary from moderate to high intensity with duration of 50 minutes and sometimes it is carried through in rooms without adjusted ventilation system, this study intends to evaluate the standard ingestion of liquids and the profile of the level of hydration in practitioners of this special activity through the body weight, and by an interview that evaluates the degree of knowledge of these practitioners about the subject. A total of 17 practitioners of spinning classes were evaluated in two gyms of Rio de Janeiro. Gym M (n=8) has air conditioner system and Gym D (n=9) does not have it. Through the applied questionnaire, it was noticed that in both the gyms, the people that hydrated before and during the classes knew about the importance of the hydration to restore liquids and electrolytes and to improve performance. The results showed that in Gym D, the tested people had a greater loss of water, possibly due to the absence of a proper ventilation system, which facilitates the evaporation of sweat. It was observed that one of the practitioners presented a loss of 1.45% of body weight, what can represent a decrease in performance. Both gyms presented an increase in body weight, possibly due to the fact that in both places, the people hydrated well before and during the class. Also, the study was limited, since there was no control in emptying the bladder before the person was weighted or a measurement of the amount of liquid ingested. One suggests that in a next study should be verified: the room temperature, the humidity, measurement of water intake before and during the activity, and the bladder emptying control.


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How to Cite
Esteves, A. A., & Nunes, W. C. (2012). Profile of the standard of the ingestion of liquids and verification of the adequacy of the level of hydration in practitioners of spinning classes in two gyms of Rio de Janeiro. RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 1(2). Retrieved from
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