Anthropometric and food intake profile of Crossfit practitioners in the Dourados-MS CITY
Among the modalities of physical activity, CrossFit is characterized as a training of varied functional movements and performed at high intensity and with an increased number of supporters each year. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the anthropometric profile and eating habits of CrossFit practitioners in the city of Dourados-MS. This is a cross-sectional survey of 47 practitioners from a CrossFit training center in the municipality of Dourados-MS. To obtain the personal information of the participants was used an online questionnaire. The anthropometric evaluation was determined by the skinfold method and body adiposity was estimated by predictive equations. Food consumption was verified using the 24-hour recall and food frequency. It was observed that the practitioners are mostly 23 to 27 years old and 38.2% use food supplementation. For the purposes of practice, it was found that the highest percentage of both men (53.8%) and women (47.05%) aimed at weight loss. The highest percentage of overweight (26.83%) among practitioners and% CG (41.17) was presented by women. The average consumption of energy, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and water intake are in accordance with dietary recommendations. The highest percentage of practitioners (46.8%) obtained low consumption of fats (score ≤ 17), and of fibers 72.3% (score ≤ 19), showing the need for nutritional adjustments. Significant correlations (p≤0.05) were observed for the number of times in the week that this modality is practiced and lower% BF and BMI, concluding that the regular practice of CrossFit can modulate metabolic parameters.
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