Food consumption and anthropometric profile of players base category of a football club
Football is a dynamic sport that requires speed, strength and technique from the athlete, with voluminous training and intense competitions associated with a short recovery time, so it requires an ideal combination between exercise intensity and dietary intake, in addition to an anthropometric profile suitable for each position. Thus, the objective is to assess food intake and the anthropometric profile of under-20 players from a club in Fortaleza-CE. The study was carried out with soccer players aged 16 to 20 years. Data on food consumption, body mass, height, skinfolds and identification and socioeconomic aspects were collected. The data were tabulated and analyzed using Excel 2016 and Past 4.03. The results showed average consumption of macronutrients within the recommendation; adequate intake of some micronutrients and inadequate intake of others; energy intake below total energy expenditure. In relation to anthropometry, a statistical difference was observed between the positions in the variables, body mass, height and lean mass, in addition to values of percentage of fat similar to seniors players of the largest soccer leagues in the world. With that, it became evident that there are anthropometric differences between the positions, showing that the physical characteristics of the player are decisive for the definition of his position. The average intake of macronutrients is within the recommendation, however it is necessary to analyze energy consumption and expenditure for a longer time to draw better conclusions about the athletes' diet.
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