Profile and habits of hydration of street runners in Curitiba, class amateur
Introduction: Running is a high energy burning sport, which consequently, can leadto dehydration in athletes, potentially causing a drop in performance during workoutsand competitions. Objective: The objective of this study is to examine the profile ofrunners in Curitiba and discuss the importance of hydration for maintainingperformance levels. Materials and Methods: 72 male athletes were evaluated withan average age of 41.75 ± 12.32 years. The survey methodology used wasexploratory through descriptive interviews, based on a questionnaire consisting of 9objective questions,which were prepared by the authors of the study. Results: Theresults show that 64 athletes use water as their primary means of hydration whileonly 20 athletes use isotonic sports drinks, 40 individuals measure their level ofhydration by how thirsty they feel. Thirty of the athletes interviewed receive noprofessional guidance from a qualified physical education trainer. Discussion: Theresults suggest that the athletes interviewed have a series of inappropriate hydrationhabits as well as misconceptionsabout their own level of dehydration. Such habitscan directly affect the health of athletes when considering that their main objective inrunning is to stay healthy. It is possible to conclude that there is a lack of specializedprofessional guidance forthese athletes.
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