Diet and immune system of rugby athletes

  • Clara Quintanilha Machado Discente do Curso de Nutrição da Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Brasil.
  • Marcia Nacif Professora Doutora do Curso de Nutrição da Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Brasil.
Keywords: Diet, Rugby, Immune System


Introduction: Studies have shown that the immune system of competitive athletes is compromised due to high-intensity exercise, which promotes temporary immunosuppression and oxidative stress. Thus, strategies that stregthen the immune system, such as a balanced diet, are essential for athletes. Objective: Evaluate the consumption of antioxidant, vitamins and minerals, omega 3 fatty acids and suplements for the maintenance of the immune system of athletes from the Brazilian rugby team. Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional study with athletes from the Brazilian rugby team who train in São Paulo. For the evaluation of food consumption, a Food Frequency Questionnaire for Adults (FFQ) was applied for the last six months. This study was approved by the Research Ethics Commitee of Mackenzie Presbiterian University (CAAE - 38568020.7.0000.0084) and all participants signed an informed consent form. Results: All athletes from the Brazilian rugby team were invited to participate in this study. The final sample consisted of 7 athletes aged between 20 and 29 years (24.42 + 3.86 years). It could be noted that most athletes (n=5) had insufficient consumption of carbohydrates and mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids and high protein intake. Only vitamin C was shown to be in sufficient quantity. The most reported dietary supplements were creatine, omega 3 and β alanine. Conclusion: Such data suggest the need for a nutritional intervention that improve their sports performance and health.


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How to Cite
Machado, C. Q., & Nacif, M. (2022). Diet and immune system of rugby athletes. RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 16(100), 396-403. Retrieved from
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