Phytotherapy and medicinal plants with ergogenic properties: evidence of use in an academy in the city of Itaqui-RS
Objective: Analysis of the use of phytotherapics and medicinal plants with ergogenic properties in a gym in the city of Itaqui-RS. Materials and Methods: A semi-structured and self-completed questionnaire was applied to practitioners of physical exercises who attended a gym in the city of Itaqui-RS. The participants signed an informed consent form and the research was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Pampa. Results: The sample consisted of 119 participants, 58% female and 42% male, with a predominance of ages between 18 and 23 years (42% of the total). Among the 119 interviewees, 74 claimed to use or had already used herbal medicines/ergogenic medicinal plants (62.18% of the total). As for the use, 12 different ergogenic phytotherapics/medicinal plants were mentioned, the 4 main ones being: green tea (58), tribulus (12), guarana (10) and Peruvian maca (8). Although the purposes of use of the main substances mentioned are in accordance with their scientific characteristics, the indication of use was inadequate. Conclusion: It is possible to conclude that the use of phytotherapics and medicinal plants with ergogenic purposes is a common practice among the interviewees of the academy where this work was carried out, but most of the time it does not come from the prescription by professionals marked out by the legislation.
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