Carbohydrate supplementation and fatigue in practising endurance activities

  • Márcio Machado Sobral de Sousa Programa de Pós-Graduação Lato-Sensu da Universidade Gama Filho - Bases Nutricionais da Atividade Fí­sica: Nutrição Esportiva
  • Francisco Navarro Instituto Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Ensino em Fisiologia do Exercí­cio (IBPEFEX)
Keywords: Fatigue, Supplementation, Carbohydrates, Endurance


Introduction: Fatigue is a factor that limits performance and can be defined as the set of events that diminish the ability to maintain or continue, the expected return. Carbohydrates are important to delay or avoid fatigue, as some authors showed that their intake before, during and / or after the activity has this capability. Objective: To compare the studies that were used different types of carbohydrates in practitioners of endurance activities. Literature Review: Glycogen stores and blood glucose are important factors related to fatigue. The amount, type of carbohydratesand timing (before, during or after activity) are related to the desired result. The amount of carbohydrates will depend on the timing and intensity of exercise. A mixture of carbohydrates at high,medium and low glycemic index for before and / or during physical activity, aims to maintain glycogen stores and blood glucose. The carbohydrates with high glycemic index after exercise, are to replenish glycogen stores. However, the mechanism to delay oravoid fatigue, it is still unknown. Conclusion: Despite all the evidence on the effectiveness of the carbohydrates intake as a way to prevent or retard the process of muscle fatigue in practitioners in endurance activities, its mechanism is still unknown.Therefore, it is important to conduct further studies for clarification on how this process occurs.


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How to Cite
Sousa, M. M. S. de, & Navarro, F. (2012). Carbohydrate supplementation and fatigue in practising endurance activities. RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 4(24). Retrieved from
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