Macronutrient intake, nutritional knowledge and motivation to practice physical activity in two modalities of physical activity
Due to the physiological and metabolic needs of any living being, it is essential to have an adequate diet in terms of calories and nutrients. On the other hand, when it comes to sports practitioners and athletes, these nutritional requirements change and energy metabolism starts to function differently. In addition, still within the context of health and performance, the level of knowledge about nutrition and motivational factors play fundamental roles. Therefore, this study aimed to assess dietary patterns among Crossfit and Bodybuilding practitioners. The sample consisted of 40 individuals, from both sexes, recruited from two training centers. Participants answered a sociodemographic questionnaire, the National Health Interview Survey Cancer Epidemiology Nutritional Knowledge Scale, and the Motivation Scale for physical exercise – 2. Next, the 24-hour food record was applied, ending the collection with weight and height measurements. The existence of two factors of greater importance as to the degree of motivation in relation to the influence on the practice of physical exercise was observed, the use of supplements by practitioners and the practice of one or more strategies for weight loss or control in both modalities. Results showed that most participants described a hypocaloric, hypoglycidic, and hyperproteic food intake, having as higher prevalence an inadequate consumption in relation to recommendations, which emphasizes the importance of gathering information on practitioners of these modalities for an adequate guidance that brings health benefits.
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