Effects of omega 3 supplementation on irisin release by skeletal muscle
Introduction: Skeletal muscle tissue is seen as an endocrine organ, as with intense physical exercise, muscle contractions occur and thus release substances that promote hormonal effects, one of which is known as irisin, which can modulate white adipose tissue into brown adipose tissue, which increases thermogenesis. Omega 3 has been studied as a strategy for greater release of irisin to promote an increase in thermogenesis, especially in obese people. Materials and Methods: A narrative review in which articles were searched in four bibliographic research bases, namely PubMed, Scielo, Lilacs and also master's and doctoral dissertations in federal university directories. Articles and works published between 2010 and 2020 were selected, written in English, Portuguese and Spanish. Conclusion: It was possible to conclude that the administration of the essential oil omega 3, brings several benefits for the health of the population, mainly in treatment for the population with obesity. With regard to irisin, studies with mice have shown beneficial effects in omega 3 supplementation, increasing serum irisin. However, controlled studies in humans are still needed for better analysis.
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