Acute use of maltodextrin® and elevation of glucose during and after resistance training session in healthy adults

  • Igor Fontes de Moraes Universidade Paulista UNIP, Jundiaí, Brasil.
  • Domingues, T. M. Universidade Paulista UNIP, Jundiaí, Brasil.
Keywords: Bodybuilding, Food supplements, Blood glucose, Resistance training


Resistance training (weight training) is a practice that consists of work with weights and repetitions aimed at strengthening a muscle or a muscle group. In the present study, 21 resistance training practitioners were included, with an average time of physical exercise practice of 7.2 years. The individuals were divided into three sample groups: the first received a dose of 1 g/kg of a food supplement composed of carbohydrates (maltodextrin®), right before the beginning of the training session; the second received a dose of 2 g/kg also of maltodextrin® and before the beginning of the training session; and the third (the experimental control group) received a placebo compound – a powdered juice (Clight®) in the zero sugar version – before the beginning of the training session. The main objective was to evaluate the glycemic response, through a portable capillary blood glucose meter, as a function of carbohydrate supplementation, during and after training, and in relation to the physical performance of the resistance training practitioners. The results obtained showed that there was a statistically significant difference in the levels of glycemic variation between the group that ingested 1 g/kg of maltodextrin® and the control group, while the group that consumed 2 g/kg of maltodextrin® showed no significant variations in glycemia when compared to the other groups. In addition, no participant showed signs of rebound hypoglycemia due to high carbohydrate intake before the training session, nor significant impairment in sports performance.


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How to Cite
Moraes, I. F. de, & Domingues, T. M. (2023). Acute use of maltodextrin® and elevation of glucose during and after resistance training session in healthy adults. RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 17(106), 610-620. Retrieved from
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