Hydratation and physical exercise
Objective: Verify through a systematic revision the importance of the hydration in sports practice. Hydration is a primordial and great important component as in the professional athletic preparation as in an unprofessional sportsperson, although, not always receive from those the necessary care and a mistake in its handling can cause serious consequences in terms of performance and general health. Understands the physiology of hydration mechanisms of thermoregulation of the body and its response to stress situations as hyponatremia, muscles cramps, heat collapse and also has direct relation with the variables heart rate, lactate concentration, urine specific gravity and subjective perception of the effort. Methodology: The review was conducted from 28 studies about the thematic of hydration and its surroundings aspects as fluid replacement, changes and evaluations in physiological variables in different situations and dehydration’s consequences. In the studies were used as an instrument of data collection the amount of body mass before and after exercise, the specific gravity of urine, the urine volume produced, subjective perception of the effort and blood sampling of participants. Results: Most of the studies showed direct relation between the hydration level and the variables studied, which are also influenced by the athlete’s conditioning and the stress of the ambient. Conclusion: The hydration issue must be properly instructed not to negatively influence the performance and health of both athletes and non-athletes.
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