Characterization of the relationship between work and recovery in professional footvolley matches

  • Henrique Sasse Avena Universidade de São Paulo-USP, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil.
  • Marina Yazigi Solis Applied Physiology & Nutrition Research Group-São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil.
Keywords: Footvolley sport, Physical Exertion, Athletic Performance, High-Intensity Interval Training, Nutrition in Sport


Exercises performed in sand surface generate physiological responses with higher energy cost, greater subjective perception of exertion, higher lactate production, increased heart rate and higher oxygen consumption when compared to rigid surfaces. Footvolley is a sport that has very accurate technical gestures and because it is practiced on sand, require athletes to have excellent physical conditioning to excel in competitions. The goal was to characterize the work-rest ratio and intensity of the points, duration of sets and professional footvolley matches. To elucidate the physical demand of the sport, 15 matches of the 2022 season Brazilian National Footvolley League were analyzed. The central trend (median) of the points played work-rest ratio is 1:3.1, 95.4% of the ratios are in the range of 1:0.8 and 1:9.0 and with great variability (CV = 75.9%). Regarding points played, 99.4% lasted 30s or less, 96.1% lasted 20.0s or less and 74% were disputed in 10.0s or less. Concerning the intensity of the disputes, 71.7% were played at high intensities. The data obtained indicate footvolley as a sport of high-intensity interval physical demand and, together with the available evidence on the physiological and metabolic responses of exercise performed on sand surface, it is plausible to infer that the ATP-CP and glycolytic metabolic pathways are determinants for professional footvolley matches.


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How to Cite
Avena, H. S., & Solis, M. Y. (2024). Characterization of the relationship between work and recovery in professional footvolley matches. RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 17(107), 714-724. Retrieved from
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