Risk eating behaviors for relative energy deficiency in sports in Crossfit® practitioners

  • Letícia Gondim Lima Rezende Curso de Nutrição, Centro Universitário Christus, Fortaleza-CE, Brasil.
  • Daianne Cristina Rocha Doutora em Saúde Coletiva, Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE), Docente do Curso de Nutrição, Centro Universitário Christus (UNICHRISTUS), Fortaleza-CE, Brasil.
Keywords: Eating behavior, Physical activity, Strength training, Physical resistance


CrossFit® is high-intensity functional exercise. Despite the numerous benefits, some inappropriate attitudes can cause damage to the physiological function. Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S) is a syndrome that can occur in CrossFit® practitioners when energy consumption and training volume are not adequate. Risk eating behaviors can contribute to low energy availability and, consequently, to the development of RED-S. The study aims to analyze the occurrence of inappropriate eating behaviors for the development of RED-S in CrossFitⓇ practitioners. The sample consisted of 69 CrossFit® practitioners, of both sexes, residing in Fortaleza-Ceará, aged 19 to 59 years and who had performed CrossFit® for at least 1 year. The LEAF-Q, EAAT and BSQ questionnaires were used and the anthropometric assessment was performed by calculating the Body Mass Index (BMI) and analyzing the percentage of body fat. The data were stored in the Microsoft Excel 2016 program and later smoothed in the Jamovi Version X program. A risk of RED-S was observed in 32.7% of the participants, presence of body dissatisfaction in 26.4% of the members and that the prevalence of injuries was of 31.6%, with no significant differences between genders. The EAAT score was slightly higher in women. A positive association between fat percentage and BMI and fat percentage and body dissatisfaction was analyzed. Therefore, due to the high intensity of CrossFit® training, the investigation of RED-S is necessary due to the numerous impacts on health.


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How to Cite
Rezende, L. G. L., & Rocha, D. C. (2024). Risk eating behaviors for relative energy deficiency in sports in Crossfit® practitioners. RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 17(107), 763-772. Retrieved from https://www.rbne.com.br/index.php/rbne/article/view/2247
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