Comparison of indirect calorimetry with predictive formulas of basal energy expenditure in fighters and muay thai from a training center in the city Caxias do Sul-RS
Introduction and Objective: Sports practice must be accompanied by adequate calorie intake, otherwise there is a risk of causing harm to health if the calorie target is not reached. Basal energy expenditure is the largest component of total energy expenditure and estimating it correctly is extremely important, especially in athletes. The objective was to evaluate whether the widely used resting energy expenditure estimation formulas are suitable for determining the basal expenditure of Muai Thay fighters. Materials and Methods: Anthropometric data were collected, with subsequent determination of body fat percentage (%BF), fat mass and fat-free mass (FFM). Resting energy expenditure was measured using indirect calorimetry and calculated using the Cunninghan, Harris Benedict, Mifflin St Jeor and Tynsley formulas. Agreement analyzes between indirect calorimetry and the formulas were performed using Bland-Altmann. Results: Ten (10) volunteers participated in the study, 8 male. The average age is 27.1 years (+ 5.95). Agreement analyzes between indirect calorimetry and the formulas of Cunningham, Harris Benedict, Mifflin St Jeor and Tinsley provided, respectively: r2=0.82, r2=0.80, r2=0.83 and r2=0.75. Conclusion: For Muai Thay athletes, all the formulas evaluated showed suitability, but those that showed the greatest agreement with the IC were Cunninghan and Tinsley, presenting reliability and offering a low-cost alternative for professionals who serve this public.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Luana Seifert Boeira, Samanta Dias Machado, Ana Lúcia Hoefel

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