Carbohydrate supplementation in improves hydration and glycemia of adult soccer players of Baependy city in Minas Gerais
Introduction: The soccer is a type of sport with intermittent exercises with variable intensity, is world renowned and very practiced in many countries. The energy demands of training and competition requires players to consume a diet rich in carbohydrates. Thus, carbohydrate supplementation is a nutritional strategy that also allows the maintenance of blood glucose. Hydration is also an important factor that must be considered before, during and after exercise, since the chronic state of dehydration and heat stress during a football match may limit performance and be detrimental to the player. Objective: To analyze the influence of a carbohydrate solution in improving hydration and blood glucose during a football game adult players from the team base Baependi city in Minas Gerais. Results: The supplementation of a carbohydrate drink at 6%, provided an increase in glycemic index at the end of the match, as well as a smaller weight loss. Discussion: By providing exogenous carbohydrate there is less demand from endogenous glycogen stores, which attenuates the glucose decrease, increases muscle glycogen / liver and the availability of blood glucose, avoiding negative influences on performance. In addition, the carbohydrate drink prevents dehydration, avoiding thus the fatigue. Conclusion: The ingest of a carbohydrate drink at 6% for football players kept the high blood glucose at the end of the game, besides reducing the percentage of weight loss.
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