Percentage of fat in practitioners of Jiu-Jitsu in the city of academies Florianópolis-SC
The objective of this study was to investigate fourteen professional athletes jiu-jitsu in different categories, competing at state, nationaland international, of different ages and goals for the estimation of percent body fat (% BF), using the equation Oppliger and Tipton (1984). This study was characterized as a cross-sectional observational study. The average fat percentage of the sample was 11.4±3.6. Analyzing the results for the parameters proposed by Heyward & Stolarczyk (1996) it was observed in a fighter's super-heavyweight category the highest value calculated for the percentage of fat (14.9%), ranked as average. For the lowest calculated value, a lightweight fighter, the percent fat of 5.3%, classified as hazardous. Analyzing the results of the fat percentage of Jiu-jitsu, there was a linear increase according to weight categories of heavier athletes tend to have a higher percentage offat, this is confirmed by male wrestlers that point to a low fat percentage (less than 10%) except for the heavier categories as heavyweight to (84.99 kg), heavy (up to 90.99 kg), super-heavyweight (up to 96.99 kg) and very heavy (over 97 kg). Based on these results, studies are needed with larger samples and more precise methods to enable a statistical evaluation andaconclusion more refined.
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