Evaluation of the use of nutritional supplements and others resources ergogenic by pratctioners of bodybuilding in the gyms in a district of Florianópolis-SC

  • Marielly Wagner Programa de Pós-Graduação Lato-Sensu da Universidade Gama Filho - Bases Nutricionais da Atividade Fí­sica - Nutrição Esportiva
Keywords: Nutritional supplements, Gyms, Nutrition, Bodybuilding


Objective: To assess the use of nutritional supplements, or other resources ergogenic by individuals practicing bodybuilding in gyms of a neighborhood in Florianopolis, and through the analysis of the data identifying the type of product used, purpose of use, the sources of indication for the use and nutritional guidance. Materials and Methods: We selected 98 practitioners of bodybuilding of 3 gyms in a district of the city of Florianópolis SC. Data were collected through a questionnaire regarding the use of supplements. Results: Among the 98 questioned, 50% used supplements. For consumers, 77,6 % were male and 22,4 % female, 55,2 % had higher education, 79,6 % had as objective to increase muscle mass. The supplement most cited was Whey protein® (32,5%). The main source of indication was on its own initiative (34,7%), in relation to dietary guidance, it also prevails own initiative (57,1%). Conclusion: Concerning the fact that the majority of the practitioners use nutritional supplements without indication of a specialist in nutrition, in addition to the huge lack of information, and many questions about the use of supplements as well as on a proper diet, it is clear the emerging need for the presence of nutritionists for awareness of this practitioners, in gyms and places to practice sports. After all, the lack of knowledge about nutrition can influence the typical pattern of an athletic group and, consequently, its performance and health.


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How to Cite
Wagner, M. (2012). Evaluation of the use of nutritional supplements and others resources ergogenic by pratctioners of bodybuilding in the gyms in a district of Florianópolis-SC. RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 5(26). Retrieved from https://www.rbne.com.br/index.php/rbne/article/view/244
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