Creatine effects in aerobic performance: a systematic rewiew

  • Maí­ra Seiço Gama Programa de Pós-Graduação Lato-Sensu da Universidade Gama Filho - Bases Nutricionais da Atividade Fí­sica: Nutrição Esportiva
Keywords: Supplementation, Creatine, Aerobic, Performance


The controversy regarding creatine supplementation involves, among other topics, its use as an ergogenic aid in aerobic exercise. Few data are available in theliterature on this subject. Thus, with the intention of seeking and evaluating data from the literature, this review, after a selection based on criteria of exclusion, together the findings of eight original articles that directly or indirectly related tocreatine supplementation with aerobic performance. The great diversity of methodologies and approaches applied further enhances the dissemination of inaccurate and conflicting information regarding the use of creatine in order to increase the aerobic performance.


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How to Cite
Gama, M. S. (2012). Creatine effects in aerobic performance: a systematic rewiew. RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 5(27). Retrieved from
Scientific Articles - Original