Evaluation of anthropometric and nutritional profile of garbage collectors in training for half marathon
The basis for achieving the minimum demand required, both energetic and nutritional, for the routine day to day work and of athe practice of sports is the realization of a balanced diet. In subjects with heavy work routines that also practice sports nutrition becomes even more important. The analysis of anthropometric profile enables a proper meal planning, thus impacting on the improvement of the performance in both of the activities. The study aimed to evaluate the anthropometric and nutritional profile of garbage collectors that were also training for a half marathon. We evaluated five street sweepers with average age, weight, height, BMI, of 30.8% G ±5.67 years, 68.6 ±13.40 kg, 1.73 ±0.11 m, 22.66 ±242 kg / m², 9.03 ±3.21% respectively. The averaged energy consumption were (EC) 2557.13 ±326.08 kcal and the average caloric intake for this group is 3872.47 ±756.56 kcal,in the macronutrients evaluation of the garbage collectors the consumption were of 5.75 g / kg and 60.36% of the EC-CHO, 1.6 g / kg and 17.08% for PTN, 0.96 g / kg and 22.55% of LIP, in accordance with the recommendations of the 2009 SBME guideline. It can be concluded that the energy consumption of this population is less than the daily necessities, but the intake of macronutrients and anthropometric profile of the recommendations are appropriate.
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