Analysis of macronutrients and glycemic index consumed by professional soccer players in Camaquã-RS before, during and after training

  • Thamires Graciela Flores Graduanda em Nutrição do Centro Universitário Franciscano - UNIFRA
  • Karen Mello de Mattos Nutricionista, Especialista e Mestre em Saúde Coletiva, Membro do Grupo Interdisciplinar de Pesquisa em Saúde (GIPES), Orientadora e Docente do Curso de Nutrição do Centro Universitário Franciscano - UNIFRA
Keywords: Carbohydrate, Performance, Glycogen, Exercise


Adequate food is the foundation of good physical performance, and the glycemic index (GI) should be considered for selecting the type of carbohydrate to be used, inorder to obtain an adequate physical performance of athletes. This study aimed to determine the glycemic index of meals consumed by soccerplayers in a club of Camaquã-RS, and check which carbohydrate sources of high, moderate or low glycemic index are most commonly used before, during and after the game / training; to compare the daily intake of nutrients with the recommendations, and to verify the dilution of maltodextrin and the consumption of each individual athlete. This transversal research examined 18 professional soccer players, aged 18 to 35 years. A 24h dietary recall was used, for three consecutive days. The players showed inadequate intake of carbohydrate, on average of 55.4%, and adequate levels of protein (1.23 g / kg / BW) and fat: 25.2%. As to the glycemic index (GI), they showed consumption of low GI meals before training, at lunch, and of high levels in the afternoon snack, for the pre-done workout. After training, in the afternoon snack II, the GI consumed was high, and at the dinner it was low. It was observed an inadequacy regarding the consumption of macronutrients by the athletes, as well as an inappropriate GI value of the meals consumed during and after the training.


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How to Cite
Flores, T. G., & Mattos, K. M. de. (2012). Analysis of macronutrients and glycemic index consumed by professional soccer players in Camaquã-RS before, during and after training. RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 5(29). Retrieved from
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