Comparison of feed between practitioners and non-practitioners of regular physical activity

  • John Alves de Sá Programa de Pós-Graduação Lato Sensu da Universidade Gama Filho Bases Nutricionais na Atividade Fí­sica: Nutrição Esportiva
Keywords: Food profile, Sports nutrition, Sedentary lifestyle, IASad


Objective: Compare the profiles of two food groups,Practitioners (GP) and Non-Practitioners (GNP) of regular physical activity, noting that the group who reported regular physical activity adopts a balanced diet or stay with the same habits than sedentary individuals. Materials and Methods: The data in the diets of athletes and non-practitioners were obtained by applying the 24-hour recall (24HR) and then analyzed according to the adapted Healthy Eating Index (IASad) and graded according to the components that make up a healthy diet. Results: Individuals who participated in the survey have an average of 30 years (± 0.50)in morewomen (80%) than men (30%). The final average of the scores assigned to the group GP and GNP is 74 and 71 points respectively. The average values of points of different components of IASad were inadequate (below 5 points) for the groups fruits, vegetables and milk products in both groups.Discussion: By comparing the power of practicing and non practicing regular physical exercise was observed that the marks obtained by the group GP and GNP, no significant difference. In relation to the scores "healthy diet" in the GP group (13%) was higher than GNP in the group (8%), showing that the practice of physical exercises has led to better food choices in moderate amounts. Conclusion: Individuals wishing to obtain health through physical exercise have beenlimited by lack of proper nutritional guidance, showing the need of encouragement on the part of the gym coupled with public policies oriented to sports nutrition.


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How to Cite
Sá, J. A. de. (2012). Comparison of feed between practitioners and non-practitioners of regular physical activity. RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 6(32). Retrieved from
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