The dietoterrapia and the regular physical activity as basic tools in the promotion of the weight lost of individuals obesity
The prevalence of obese subjects is crescent in all over the world, and it represents in the worldwide scene, a critical public healthy problem. It is clear that the mortality and the public system waists are crescent, and are associated with obesity, a chronic and critical disease, that is a risk factor to the development of others and important chronic diseases, like: diabetes type 2, cardiovascular disease, stroke and some cancers. Strategies of intervention are recommended and include changes in life style. The principal point is to loose weight for a long term with a balanced low-calorie diet plus physical activity (aerobic and resistance training). This strategic program is the pillar of the healthy weight lost for a long term. The priority could be the recuperation and the preservation of the physical and metal’s healthy. Was done a bibliographic revision in books, scientific publications, magazines and in the internet, that give important information about obesity. This revision includes etiology, definition, diagnosis, the other chronic diseases and the epidemiologic status of the obesity. Also and the principal point of the revision is to talk about the best treatment of changes in obese subject’s life style.
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