Profile dietary, nutritional status and level of physical activity in practitioners of physical exercise of academies of Vitória da Conquista-BA

  • Lucimara Piaui Soares Nutricionista e Mestranda em Engenharia de Alimentos pela Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia, Itapetinga-BA
  • Julyane da Silva Leite Pita Nutricionista. Mestranda em Engenharia de Alimentos pela Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia
  • Sérgio Souza Magalhães Educador Fí­sico. Mestre em Desenvolvimento Regional e Meio Ambiente pela Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz / UESC. Doutorando em Ciências do Desporto pela Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, UTAD, Portugal
Keywords: Physical exercise, Gyms, Nutrition


Objective: To assess the dietary profile of practice exercises frequenting gyms. Methods: The sample included 337 individuals male and female. We used recall was 24 hours. To assess the level of physical activity were used Sapaf software. Nutritional status was measured by body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC). Results and discussion: There was a predominance of male subjects, white, unmarried, with incomplete higher education, family incomeof more than 3 to 10 minimum wages, and who attend the academy in a period longer than 12 months. The average showed age of 27.98 ± 10.99, BMI 23.99 ± 3.73. In relation to food consumption, the averages were: VCT 2618.13 ± 1244.20 kcal, PTN 18.42% ± 6.14,56.55 ± 9.74% CHO, 24.87 ± 8.02% LPD. The average total caloric expenditure (Ideal Weight) was 2789.51 ± 621.92. Nutritional status, 69% are eutrophic, 22% were overweight, 6% are obese and 3% underweight. According to CC, 83.7% are without risk of obesity associated with metabolic changes. The comparison of means by gender showed that men consumed higher amounts of protein (p = 0.012) when compared to women. Completion: the study suggests the involvement of dieticians for nutrition guidelines that are made to bring about balanced diet and safe in order to maximize the effects of physical activity.


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How to Cite
Soares, L. P., Pita, J. da S. L., & Magalhães, S. S. (2012). Profile dietary, nutritional status and level of physical activity in practitioners of physical exercise of academies of Vitória da Conquista-BA. RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 6(35). Retrieved from
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