Current issues about branched chain amino acids and its ergogenic effect on human physical performance
Currently, the use of dietary supplements is the focus of major research about potential ergogenic effects on human physical performance. Athletes or physically active for health and quality of life seek to use dietary supplements as a way to increase their earnings and results. The big problem is that the bad information and guidancenot correct supplementation can lead to difficulties in earnings as desired by physically active. The correct orientation is what makes all the difference, since dietary supplements are not only important gains in muscle mass and reducing body fat, but many of them can bring interesting benefits that can help improve the quality of people's lives. This study seeks to specify the supplementation of branched chain amino acids and its significance for physical activity either in or not athletes in different sports training protocols. This present study employed a systematic review of supplementation of branched chain amino acids and their effects on human physical performance, this also will report, the metabolism of these amino acids in relation to fatigue and the synthesis of other amino acids important during physical exertion. With this review it is concluded that the supplementation of branched-chain amino acids are also highly questioned regarding the central fatigue and muscle gains, further studies addressing the effects of long-term supplementation.
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