Muscle dysmorphia in the wheicht training practitioners: Sistematic review
Draws attention in relation to men a new framework called Vigorexia or muscle dysmorphia. In this syndrome the individual finds himself with a skinny body and small, but the truth is brawny and big. In other words, there is a concern in not to be brawny enough in all your body. Thus the objective of this article is to demonstrate through a systematic review data from muscle dysmorphia in bodybuilders. Was made a review of national and international articles, where we excluded studies that did not that did not present soleft n = 12. Only three study had men and women practitioner in physical activity as population, the others studies only men. It was observed that there is high prevalence (17.5%, 22%, 53.6%, 13.6% and 40%.) of muscle dysmorphy in the studies. And have association between muscle dysmorphia and use of ergogenic resources, changing diets, as well as use of steroids.
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