Effects of physical exercise on the formation of reactive oxygen species and dietary antioxidant compounds
Objective: To investigate the literature on the effects of physical exercise on the formation of reactive oxygen species and dietary antioxidant compounds.Materials and Methods: This is a literature review with emphasis on the past 10 years, using scientific articles indexed in SciELO, PubMed and Lilacs databases, periodic CAPES Portal and book chapters, in Portuguese, English and Spanish.Results: The literature indicates that, regardless of the type of exercise performed, individuals who undergo strenuous exercises are exposed to a deleterious process in cells and tissues, a loss in performance, with a reduction in body stores of antioxidants may contribute significantly to the increased oxidative stress. Conclusion: Regular exercise, combined with a diet rich in antioxidant nutrients, can promote the body benefits by keeping the oxidative process within physiological limits, but more studies are needed on the origin of oxidative stress in order to develop new strategies to combat the deleterious effects of this phenomenon.
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