Benefits of using whey protein

  • Luiz Henrique Carrilho Programa de Pós-Graduação Lato Sensu da Universidade Gama Filho –Fisiologia do Exercício: Prescrição do Exercício. Graduado pela Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa-PR (UEPG).
Keywords: Whey protein, Benefits, Supplementation


Introduction: Good nutrition back better development for physical performance, there may be a decrease in muscle fatigue, and also preventing the loss of lean mass, but due to the difficulties of lack of time people nowadays can maintain a diet balanced, grows ever more interest in dietary supplements that promise the same benefits of proper nutrition. The whey protein (WP) is a protein supplement made from whey, which is widely used due to their beneficial health properties in general. Objective:To demonstrate with this work, the relationship between the use of whey protein among practitioners or no physical activity. Materials and Methods: Systematic Literature Review. Results:there were 11 international articles on humans and 2 national addressing the whey protein with exercise performance or not. Discussion:were found different training protocols and diet. Results were decreased weight, reduced body fat, increased satiety, easy digestibility, increased bone mineral density, lean mass, muscle and liver glycogen and strength. Conclusion: in general, the consumption of whey protein promoted improvement in both health and in performance, but nothing can replace a balanced diet and suitable for every lifestyle.


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How to Cite
Carrilho, L. H. (2013). Benefits of using whey protein. RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 7(40). Retrieved from
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