Effect of flour bark of passion in weight and glycemic index rats
The fiber intake isan alternative to weight control. The objective of this experiment was to determine the effect of pectin, present in passion fruit peel, on weight change and glucose. Have been used 35 male Wistar rats divided into four groups. The Control group received water and food (n=09); The passion fruit group received food plus passion fruit peel (n=09); The hyper caloric group received cafeteria diet (n=08); The hyper caloric+ passion fruit group received caloric diet increased with passion fruit peel (n=09), over 21 days. The weight of the animals was measured once a week and blood glucose was measured in the first week and at the end of the experiment. The difference in weight was analyzed with ANOVA, a criterion, followed by Bonferroni’s test; was adopted significance level of 5% (p<0.05). Was observed reduction in weight gain in the passion fruit group in comparison with the control group and increased weight gain in the hyper caloric and hypercaloric+passion fruit groups, between the beginning of the experiment and the 1st week of treatment. Between the 2nd and 3rd week of treatment, the hyper caloric grouph adan increase in body weight compared witht he other groups. The weight gain in the passion fruit group and hypercaloric+passion fruit group did not differ from the control group. The glycemia (mg/dl) at the end of the experiment was higher in hyper caloric and hyper caloric+passion fruit group than in the control and passion fruit groups. We conclude that the passion fruit peel flour associated with hyper caloric diet reduced weight gain, but insufficient to reduce glycemia.
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