Action of mixtures of proteinic supplements after exercise of resistance for the profit of muscular mass: Case study

  • Anacarina Rolim Programa de Pós Graduação Lato Sensu em Nutrição Esportiva da Universidade Gama Filho - UGF
Keywords: Carbohydrate, Protein, Supplement, Force


Our objective was to study if difference in the ratio of the profit of muscular mass with two types of amino acid mixture exists. The amino acid mixture I was constituted by two qualities of supplements, while the amino acid mixture II for three. Mixture I was composed for the isolated protein of the soy (Supro®) and albumen, and mixture II posies beyond these, the Whey protein (isolated protein of milk) Material and methods: We study for four months, a supplemented volunteer being with the two types of mixtures I contend carbohydrates and proteins. Our volunteer consumed each mixture (I and II) for the period of two months, always after the resistance training session. Mixture I, contained carbohydrates and proteins of animal and vegetal origin. Mixture II, beyond these ingredients, had the addition of as a type of protein of animal origin. The gauging had after been carried through in March, two months ingesting mixture I and in May, after two months ingesting mixture II. Results: A difference was verified enters the results (measured of cutaneous folds) after supplementation with mixture I and supplementation with mixture II. In the cutaneous folds the somatório sample with clarity the muscular evolution where it has a difference of 1.21 kg of 1ª measured (carried through in March) for 2ª measured (carried through in May). Conclusion: The allied supplementation of carbohydrates and proteins the practical one of resistance training provides when if objective to a positive effect the profit of lean mass.


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How to Cite
Rolim, A. (2012). Action of mixtures of proteinic supplements after exercise of resistance for the profit of muscular mass: Case study. RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 1(6). Retrieved from
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