Nutritional status of students soldiers fire truck military soldiers of west versus the state of Santa Catarina

  • Fernanda Grison Confortin Mestre e Docente em Nutrição da Universidade comunitária da região de Chapecó - Unochapecó
  • Materli Soeiro Universidade Comunitária da Região de Chapecó - UNOCHAPECÓ
Keywords: Fire department, Anthropometry, Nutritional status


A firefighter attends from bureaucratic office works to extreme actions firefighting, where their physical and motor skills are required to end without the possibility of failure; firefighters must remain always well -prepared physically, a diagnosis of inadequate nutritional status affect their job performance. This study was characterized as a descriptive research with quantitative data analysis. For anthropometric assessment of nutritional status and dietary survey methods were used. 71 firefighters, male, mean age 30.49 ± 7.47 years, 49.3 % (N 35) represented by firefighters soldiers and 50.7 % (N 36)students in training were evaluated. Mean BMI was classified as well-nourished no significant difference between the groups. Mean % fat above desired for both groups, with more statistically significant for the group of active firefighters soldiers. However this is not localized fat in the abdominal region classified as low risk for heart disease. In dietary recall was adequate consumption of macronutrients, and inadequate consumption of cholesterol and sodium, showing statistical difference for lipids, cholesterol and sódio. The importance and determine the nutritional profile of fire fighters soldiers lies in the fact of the existence of a relationship between nutritional status and physical performance deles. This population is at risk for developing chronic diseases, since the combination of anthropometric and dietary survey is appropriate to outline the nutritional diagnosis, realizing the importance of working with interventions and nutrition education for the public.


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How to Cite
Confortin, F. G., & Soeiro, M. (2014). Nutritional status of students soldiers fire truck military soldiers of west versus the state of Santa Catarina. RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 8(44). Retrieved from
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