Analysis of perception, body nutritional knowledge and satisfaction among women who practice physical activity

  • Jackeline Schwab Silva Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste - UNICENTRO, Guarapuava-PR
  • Indiomara Baratto Universidade Federal de São Paulo -UNIFESP, São Paulo-SP.
Keywords: Women, Body perception, Nutritional knowledge


The aim of this study was to evaluate the perception, body satisfaction and nutritional knowledge of women who practice bodybuilding in a gym from Guarapuava-Pr. Anthropometric assessment was performed by measurement weight, height and waist circumference (CC), subsequently calculating the Body Mass Index (BMI) and percentage of adequacy of current weight. A socioeconomic questionnaire was applied, Scale of Nine silhouettes and Nutritional Knowledge Questionnaire too. Statistical analysis divided the participants into two groups, normal weight and overweight. Descriptive statistics, Student's t test and Chi-square test, and Pearson correlation was used. Normal weight women had a lower mean age, higher education and work more outside the home than overweight. The mean BMI was 22.14 ± 1.76 kg / m² and CC 72.14 ± 5.45 cm in eutrophic, and mean BMI of 29.58 ± 3.69 kg / m², and CC 91.19 ± 9,28cm in overweight. There was a correlation between age and BMI and age and CC. Eutrophic (65,63%) chose silhouettes that best meets the average BMI group. Overweight women showed greater satisfaction with body image (95,24%). There was a positive correlation between BMI and body dissatisfaction and body dissatisfaction and CC. There was no statistical difference in relation to groups of nutritional knowledge


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How to Cite
Silva, J. S., & Baratto, I. (2014). Analysis of perception, body nutritional knowledge and satisfaction among women who practice physical activity. RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 8(46). Retrieved from
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