Body image and food behavior in athletes adolescentes

  • Cristiane Miranda Cruz Camello Pessoa Programa de Pós-Graduação Lato Sensu em Nutrição Esportiva da Universidade Gama Filho - UGF. Programa de Pós- Graduação Lato Sensu em Educação Motora da Universidade Estadual da Paraí­ba
  • Katyuscia Wilson Lima da Silva Programa de Pós-Graduação Lato Sensu em Nutrição Esportiva da Universidade Gama Filho - UGF. Programa de Pós-Graduação Lato Sensu em Nutrição Clí­nica da Universidade Gama Filho - UGF
  • Francisco Navarro Programa de Pós-Graduação Lato Sensu em Nutrição Esportiva da Universidade Gama Filho - UGF
  • Daniele Cordeiro Sánchez Programa de Pós-Graduação Lato Sensu em Nutrição Esportiva da Universidade Gama Filho - UGF. Programa de Pós- Graduação Strito Sensu da Universidade Federal da Paraí­ba- UFPB
Keywords: Body image, Eating disorders, Adolescence, Athlete


The objective of this study was to evaluate the perception of body image, as well as the risk for Upheaval of Alimentary Behavior (bulimy and anorexia) in adolescent athletes of the modality of volleyball with the intention to compare them to non-athletic adolescents. In all, 35 females adolescents of the city of João Pessoa, PB were analyzed. The experimental group was composed of 18 young athletes practitioners of volleyball and the control group was composed of 17 non-athletes teens, but were physically activate at school. To obtain the data the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) was used along with the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26), and a bio-demographic questionnaire. Overall, the data showed that 34.3% of adolescents surveyed had a risk for behavioral eating disorders. However, the adolescent athletes had fewer risks of behavioral eating disorder than the young non-athletes, emphasizing that 52.94% of young non-athletes had indications of clinical eating disorder. The adolescent athletes also had lower distortion of body image (38.89%) than the adolescent non-athletes (64.71%). Accordingly, the search results alert to the fact that the teenagers are being pressured by themselves (and not by coaches as it could be assumed) to meet the aesthetic standard set by Western culture, by the media and by society.


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How to Cite
Pessoa, C. M. C. C., Silva, K. W. L. da, Navarro, F., & Sánchez, D. C. (2012). Body image and food behavior in athletes adolescentes. RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 1(6). Retrieved from
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