Hydration habits in a academy of metropolitan Curitiba-PR
The aim of this study was to determinethe levelof knowledge about hydration with student in a gym of Pinhais-PR. The study included 150 individuals practicing gymnastics and weight lifting, divided into two groups, 75 males, mean age (30,23± 10,95) years and 75 females, mean age (32,11± 9,19). The students answered a questionnaire on pre-set days. This survey instrument consisted of 17 objective questions, self manageable, taking as its theme the knowledge about the practice of hydration. The study sample was selected according to the following criteria: a) all academy students between 18 and 50 years of practicing fitness or bodybuilding. Exclusion criteria were: a) students who refused to participate in the study, b) the students on the day of collection have not delivered the Statement of Consentsigned. Data were tabulated and interpreted in accordance with the standards of treatment Statistical so much we used descriptive statistics, where we calculated the percentages of each response. Concluded that there is need to performa nutritional intervention in this populations ince there are no subject to hydrate before, during and after the activity as well as individuals who do not know the right amount of liquid being ingested.
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