Self-perception of body image and nutritional status of schoolchildren

  • Cati Reckelberg Azambuja Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre-RS, Brasil.
  • Kelly Christine Maccarini Pandolfo Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), Santa Maria-RS, Brasil.
  • Daniela Lopes dos Santos Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), Santa Maria-RS, Brasil.
Keywords: Body image, Body mass index, Teenagers


The conditions in which the adolescents perceive their bodies are very important in the development of their identity. Studies reveal that body image dissatisfaction is very common and tends to begin earlier in life. The purpose of this study was to verify the body image self-perception and the nutritional status of school adolescents. One hundred and twelve (112) students, with a mean age of 14.38±0.68 years, participated in the study. The information on body image perception was obtained with a data collection tool which had a continuum of 9 body silhouettes, and two questions: Which of these silhouettes seems more like you? Which silhouette would you like to be? The nutritional status was defined with the Body Mass Index. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, represented by frequencies and percentages of satisfied and unsatisfied with their body image, within the different nutritional categories. As results, it was observed that 40.18% of the participants were below the recommended body mass, 50.00% were in the ideal body mass and 9,8% were above the ideal. As for the body image perception, 44.64% were satisfied with their body and 55.36% were unsatisfied. Of the former, 21.43% were unsatisfied with their slimness and 33.93% for their excess of body weight. It was concluded that the school adolescents were unsatisfied with their body image, prevailing the desire to diminish their silhouette, fact that could be linked to the “slim body culture” which can facilitate inadequate eating behaviors, risking their quality of life.


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How to Cite
Azambuja, C. R., Maccarini Pandolfo, K. C., & dos Santos, D. L. (2014). Self-perception of body image and nutritional status of schoolchildren. RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 8(47). Retrieved from
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