Food supplements consumption by bodybuilding athletes

  • Marcirio Antonio Cardoso Peçanha Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, Rio De Janeiro.
  • Francisco Navarro Universidade Federal do Maranhão, São Luís, Maranhão.
  • Tauan Nunes Maia Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, Rio De Janeiro.
Keywords: Food supplementation, Bodybuilding, Resistance training


Aim: The paper evaluates the supplements most used by bodybuilders in the city of Niteroi, outlining a profile of their users. Materials and Methods: We selected 12 different categories bodybuilders, aged between 19 and 42 years, who answered a validated questionnaire with 12 questions. Results: It was found that 100% of those studied, use supplements. All of them use Whey Protein; 83.3% use BCAA; 75% use glutamine and 41,7% use creatine, where 91,7% of those studied said they spend more than R$ 151,00 per month with supplements. All the studied is practicing weight trainingfor more than one year.Halfof the subjects besides ofweight training also doaerobic exercises. 50% of athletes studied marked the competition how your objective and 41.7% win/define muscle and/or increase muscle mass. 83% of the studied use supplements daily and all are satisfied with the results. According to 66.7% of those studied, the nutritionist is the greatest mentor in the consumption of supplements, followed by the Physical Educator, according to 50% of respondents. Conclusion: The use of supplements for bodybuilders is independent of age, gender and education. The Physical Educator and Nutritionist are the biggest influencers in supplementation. Whey Protein is the supplement most used followed by BCAA. However further studies are needed to relate bodybuilding with supplement, to make a better understanding of its use by athletes.


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How to Cite
Peçanha, M. A. C., Navarro, F., & Maia, T. N. (2015). Food supplements consumption by bodybuilding athletes. RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 9(51), 215-222. Retrieved from
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