Consumption of supplements by fitness center users of João Pessoa city

  • Heloisa Helena Ferreira Espí­nola Nutricionistas Especialistas em Nutrição Clí­nica pela Universidade Federal da Paraí­ba (UFPB) e Integrantes no Programa de Pós-Graduação Lato-Sensu em Nutrição Esportiva Gama Filho - João Pessoa - PB
  • Maria Amália Ramos de Andrade Costa Nutricionistas Especialistas em Nutrição Clí­nica pela Universidade Federal da Paraí­ba (UFPB) e Integrantes no Programa de Pós-Graduação Lato-Sensu em Nutrição Esportiva Gama Filho - João Pessoa - PB
  • Francisco Navarro IBPEFEX - Instituto Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Ensino em Fisiologia do Exercí­cio
Keywords: Dietary supplements, Gym, Sports nutrition


Analyzing these information, the crescent consumption of supplements and with the raise of the different brands of these products in the market, we can see that it created an interest to develop a research about the Consumption of Supplements by fitness center Users of João Pessoa City. The search for a perfect body, and the deficiency of healthy body culture has contributed for a wrong use of the substances that can speed their wishes of their idea of ideal body. This problem maybe exist because there is not rigorous laws that control the selling without doctor's prescription. The group of survey has 108 people, selected interchangeably these people answered a questionnaire. The group of gyms’ users are basically formed by people between 18 and 52 years-old, 23 are men and 14 are women; 48 use to train anaerobic exercises, 8 use to train aerobics exercises. We noticed that 37 people (34,3%) meddle supplements, 16 as these people use more than one supplement and 13 make use of these products to make their muscular mass grow up, the people who do apprentices used especially amino acids or other proteic products. Finally we conclude that the consume of supplements is significant in our survey, beyond this, it is necessary news researches about the consumption of these products and their effects, appreciating the education nutritional of the consumers, to raise the level of information about them and to certify the safety in its utilization.


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How to Cite
Espí­nolaH. H. F., Costa, M. A. R. de A., & Navarro, F. (2012). Consumption of supplements by fitness center users of João Pessoa city . RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 2(7). Retrieved from
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