The sharp effect of spirulina maxima in the muscular damage induced by exercises in endurance runners athletes

  • Gisele Augusta Maciel Franca Programa de Pós Graduação Lato Sensu em Nutrição Esportiva da Universidade Gama Filho - UGF. Programa de Pós Graduação Stricto Sensu em Ciências da Nutrição da Universidade Federal da Paraí­ba - UFPB
  • Luciana Magalhães Grisi Programa de Pós Graduação Lato Sensu em Nutrição Esportiva da Universidade Gama Filho - UGF
  • Alexandre Sérgio Silva Laboratório de Estudos do Treinamento Fí­sico Aplicado ao Desempenho e à Saúde - LETFADS. Professor do Departamento de Educação Fí­sica da UFPB (DEF/CCS/UFPB)
Keywords: Spirulina, Athletes, Muscle damage


The objective of this study was to investigate the sharp effect of the spirulina consumption under the muscular damage in runners athletes. Six runners athletes with ages between 14 and 16 years (15.2 ± 1) with more than six months of practice in this modality participated in the study. They accomplished four sessions of a 8 to 10km race training with intensity between 60 and 85% of the maximum heart frequency, under the following supplementation procedures: spirulina and carbohydrate (ESP+HC), just carbohydrate (PLA+HC), just spirulina (ESP+PLA) and placebo (PLA+PLA) and underwent blood samples for measurement of serum creatine phosphokinase (CPK) before and after these exercises. It was observed that the training was able to elevate the sérica concentration of CPK to 297.5% in the placebo more placebo procedure, 22 hours after the training. This value was very smaller in the situation placebo more carbohydrate (78.2%), but it was even smaller when the athletes ingested spirulina with carbohydrates (33.8%) and when was just spirulina ingested (25.5%). It was concluded that the administration of spirulina promotes a protective effect against the proteolysis in races of 10 km. For the first time, it was demonstrated that this effect occurs once in the acute phase of the training.


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How to Cite
Franca, G. A. M., Grisi, L. M., & Silva, A. S. (2012). The sharp effect of spirulina maxima in the muscular damage induced by exercises in endurance runners athletes . RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 2(7). Retrieved from
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